Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Blockchain Is Poised to Disrupt the Education Sector

The education landscape has changed significantly in the last several years, from conventional teaching to eLearning and now blended learning. The uptake of digital learning has been further accelerated since the COVID19 pandemic because schools worldwide are increasingly relying on Internet platforms and Learning Management SystemsLMS to deliver education. In addition to these changes, blockchain technology is emerging as a potential disruptor in the education sector. Blockchain’s ability to disrupt academic data management and interactions between teachers and students could be made possible by its secure, transparent or tamper proof nature. Let’s explore the ways in which blockchain technology may impact education in the future.

  1. Smart Contracts for Courses and Assignments: smart contracts, which are lines of code programmed into the blockchain, can be automated to deliver course materials, track student progress, and facilitate the completion of assignments. Smart contracts can reduce the workload of teachers and help organize courses by automatically performing administrative tasks.
  2. Student Record Keeping:  The growing concern about fake degrees and certificates in the online learning environment can be addressed by the use of Blockchain technology. Universities can guarantee the authenticity and reliability of certificates, by keeping educational credentials on a blockchain as permanent records. In their email signatures, social media profiles and resumes, students can easily share their credentials using unique URLs. All documents are secure and transparent because of the decentralized nature of the Blockchain.
  3. Cryptocurrency for Rewards: Blockchain technology enables the use of cryptocurrencies like bitcoins as tangible rewards for students’ achievements. By rewarding students for completing modules or assignments in an online environment, teachers can gamify learning experience. The tokenization of reward as a digital currency further enhances student engagement and motivation.
  4. Digital Badges and Credentials: The creation of secure digital badges and certificates that are easily verifiable, which you can see on your digital portfolio, may be facilitated by Blockchain. Smart contracts could incentivise peer to peer learning and collaboration, reward students who participate in activities and give feedback. This encourages an engaging and interactive learning environment, enhances the ability to think critically and communicate effectively.
  5. Certification Authenticity: Blockchain’s distributed ledger technology enhances transparency and accountability in the education sector. Blockchain will help to ensure accurate validation of academic achievements by creating an immutable record of student data, including transcripts, diplomas and certificates. In order to simplify the verification procedure, employers can be sure of an applicant’s skills and knowledge.
  6. Cost Reduction: Blockchain can reduce administrative costs by streamlining the transfer of student records between institutions. A system of sharing grades and other relevant information can be easily implemented across the institutions with a view to reducing administrative burdens, improving efficiency.

Different economic sectors are being disrupted by the convergence of blockchain technology with virtual and Augmented Reality, as well as other emerging technologies. By integrating blockchain into education, we are able to provide more opportunities for youth, establish an efficient and cost effective framework that will enable us to reach out to all students. Education institutions can streamline their processes, reduce costs and increase quality of education through the use of blockchains by providing support to developing companies in this area.

Blockchain technology is still in its early stages in the education sector, but it holds immense promise for transforming teaching and learning. We are expected to see more progress and new use cases with the continued expansion of experimentation and innovation. The potential of blockchain in education is enormous, and its adoption can create a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive educational ecosystem for generations to come.

Source : 

Tec, B. (2023, March 14). The future of Blockchain technology in Education. eLearning Industry. 

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